Maileg Day at the Beach

Sunshine is the best medicine, and the Maileg Beach Mice follow the doctor’s orders. Escape to Europe for a beach vacation from the comfort of your home with this charmingly-detailed, Danish-designed Maileg collection.
Each beach mouse comes with equipped for a day under the sun with a striped cabana and swimsuit. The Maileg Beach Mum wears a ruffled one-piece and printed bucket hat, the Maileg Beach Dad rocks tattoos and plaid swim trunks, and the Maileg Beach Big Brother prepares for a dunk in the ocean with flippers and goggles. Set yourself up for success and remember to pack the miniature-sized beach tote, umbrella, chairs, Sparkling water, Coca Cola, and tube of 20 SPF sunscreen. The mice may take the floaties, rubber boats, and surfboards out on the water for imaginative ocean play. With all the high tides and good vibes, this Maileg Beach Collection makes a fabulous gift for children and adults alike.